SOPHNET. & uniform experiment 2021S/S COLLECTION MOVIE

January 22, 2021

SOPHNET. & uniform experiment 2021S/S COLLECTION
2021.1.29 FRI. START


Director & Stylist : Tsuyoshi Nimura (Hannah management)
Director of Photography : Yuki Hori
Model : Eiji Fukui
Production : Hiroshi Kagiyama
Music : SILENT POETS "Sleeping Tiger (Lost Dub Version) "
Producer :,ltd.
Cooperation : Benesse Art Site Naoshima

SOPHNET. 2021 S/Sシーズンムービーは、建築家・安藤忠雄氏がジェームズ・タレルの作品展示のために設計した、焼き杉の外壁の木造建築「南寺」を主な舞台に、香川県直島の歴史と情緒溢れる本村地区の街並みで撮影しました。

SOPHNET. 2021 S/S Season Movie was filmed on the historic and emotional landscape of the Honmura district of Naoshima, Kagawa Prefecture, with the main setting of the wooden building "Nanji Temple" with the outer wall of burnt cedar, which was designed by the architect Tadao Ando for the exhibition of James Turrell 's works.

[uniform experiment 2021 S/S COLLECTION MOVIE]

Director & Stylist : Tsuyoshi Nimura (Hannah management)
Director of Photography : Yuki Hori
Models : Kenjiro, Victor, Kagiru, Tsuru, Reon, Finley, Kaan, Koto, Yusei
Production : Hiroshi Kagiyama
Producer :,ltd.

uniform experiment 2021 S/Sシーズンムービーは、"PARK LIFE"をテーマに、人種や世代を超えた人々が、それぞれに公園で過ごすリアルな姿を被写体にして撮影しました。

uniform experiment 2021 S/S season movie, with the theme of "PARK LIFE", the realistic image of people of all races and generations living in the park was photographed.