uniform experiment x BURTLE "実験的空冷服 ver2.0" RELEASE on MAY 29 (FRI)

May 28, 2020


"実験的空冷服"というネーミングで昨夏リリースされ、好評を博したuniform experiment、fragment design、BURTLEのトリプルネームからなるマウンテンパーカ。そんな人気コラボレーションシリーズの第二弾がパワーアップしてまもなく登場。


5月29日(金)よりSOPH.shopSOPH.dealerにて、 同日5月29日(金)正午よりSOPH. ONLINE STOREにて発売開始。

*ONLINE STOREならびに、営業中の国内SOPH.shopの通信販売におきましては、ご自宅でも店舗と同じようにお買い物して頂けるよう、下記期間のご購入分を全品送料無料および代引手数料無料とさせて頂いております。

4/10 (Fri) 〜 5/31 (Sun)

This is a mountain parka with the triple name of uniform experiment, fragment design and BURTLE that was released last summer with the name "experimental air-cooled suit" and received a good reputation.

The second version of this popular collaboration series is now available. This time, we have two types of jacket, an original blouson and a new vest. Both are made of lightweight and water-repellent high density polyester taffeta. The removable fan on the back features a battery switch in the chest pocket that lets air in the garment and circulates it for a comfortable wear. The design with the graphic symbolizing collaboration everywhere covers even town use.

Available at SOPH.shops and SOPH.dealers from May 29th (Fri), and SOPH. ONLINE STORE from 12:00pm(JST) May 29th (Fri).
*For store sales instructions, please contact SOPH.shops and SOPH.dealers that are open.
*Please note that some SOPH.shops are temporarily closed.

*At our ONLINE STORE and SOPH.shops in Japan that is open, all items purchased during the following period will be free shipping, and free of cash-on-delivery commission so that customers who have difficulty going out can shop at your home.
Free Shipping Period:
4/10 (Fri) to 5/31 (Sun)
*Only for shipping in Japan.

uniform experiment BURTLE AIR CRAFT BLOUSON (FRGMT DESIGN) : ¥39,000 + TAX



uniform experiment BURTLE AIR CRAFT VEST (FRGMT DESIGN) : ¥32,000 + TAX

