The Green Soccer Journal
June 27, 2014
タブロイド版フットボール誌の決まりきったゲームレポートに飽き飽きしていた Adam Towle と James Roper によって、2010年に創刊されたロンドン発の全く新しいスタイルのフットボール・マガジン "The Green Soccer Journal"。
The Green Soccer Journal issue 7 : ¥2,250 + tax *Release at on 2014.06.28(sat)
Launched in December 2010 by Adam Towle and James Roper, The Green Soccer Journal takes an innovative approach to the worlds most popular sport "Football".
From photographic journeys through clubs, discussions with some of the worlds greatest players and their fans, a selection of style features and conversations with a broad range of personalities.
The Green Soccer Journal delivers unique content, distorting the lines between football and lifestyle.
Also the latest issue focus on F.C.R.B. with interview of Kiyonaga that is in stock at SOPH.shops on tomorrow.