"What is The Wild Bunch" Original Movie out now.

November 6, 2019

SOPH. Presents
"What is The Wild Bunch"
Our original movie out now.

現在発売中のSOPH.20thプロジェクトの一つ、 "SOPH. x The Wild Bunch" Collection.
このプロジェクトはSOPH.に欠かすことのできないBRISTOL SOUNDSのルーツの一つと言える "The Wild Bunch" の偉業を讃え始まったプロジェクト。

貴重な映像や、オリジナルThe Wild Bunchのメンバー、また当時のシーンを知り現在も音楽をはじめとするカルチャーの最重要人物が登場するオリジナル映像 "What is The Wild Bunch" を制作。

世界中の音楽カルチャーに大きなインパクトを与えた "The Wild Bunch"とは?

"SOPH. x The Wild Bunch" Collection, one of the SOPH.20th projects currently on sale.
This project started with the honor of "The Wild Bunch", one of the roots of BRISTOL SOUNDS, an element of SOPH.

The original video "What is The Wild Bunch".
Shows original members of "The Wild Bunch", precious videos and the most important persons of culture including music.

The Wild Bunch has had a great impact in music culture all around the world.
What is The Wild Bunch?
